Artificial Intellgence becomes the question of Authority

In a pursue to make the machine act and react like humans, we have gone for ahead in unimaginable way with the aid of the high speed connectivity. It's algorithm may be simple to more complicated way to mimic the human way of thinking in the decision making.

Less productivity and inefficiency is the only back door which makes it possible for #AI to get into place at any relevant area wherever possible. It becomes more questionable when it replaces human with more human like characters. And when that happens, where and what level does the access of control be given to machines, and at what level humans can override them?

As long as any facility, such similar to autonomous driving with complete possibility of having manual override exists, there should be no fear of ethics observed by machines. Only if that can be replicated on all AI systems, with clear cut legacy with well defined ethics which needs to be specific to region, purpose and people. Who and what - in the government holds the executive authority on such matters? Well, let's see what the future holds!
