Good Friday is all about the love of God!

Good Friday echoes the selfless love of Godmade-man, in Jesus. We easily misuse the word 'love' to stand for superficial feelings and selfish passion.

The Love, as re-written by Jesus on Good Friday stands against all odds of human reasoning. The love shown on the cross can never be dried up in the desert of our loveless society. It can never be poisoned by human meanness and cruelty.

Good Friday brings in a feeling of assurance, a feeling of satisfaction, of joy and contentment to those who are suffering - the lonely, the rejected, the powerless and the voiceless. On this day, God assures anyone who is burdened with the pain of death. The death of a relationship - that's sad. The death of a marriage - that's sad. The death of a friendship; the death of your children's love for you; the death of all kinds of things - of values, of morality, etc, will be overcome by his ever-increasing abounding love manifested on the cross.

Rev Fr George D'Costa
The message of Good Friday for humanity
