No substitute for the truth, and the truth is, the theory of evolution is bad science !

Darwin Day had largely escaped my notice until I opened my Feb. 8 newspaper. But many words are no substitute for the truth, and the truth is, the theory of evolution is bad science.

Evolutionists cannot demonstrate that three critical points are even possible, let alone that they actually happened:

1. No one has demonstrated that life can be created from non-life.

2. No one has demonstrated that a new “sexual species” can evolve.

(Since the definition of “species” is contested, for my purposes I define it as an organism that can breed with its own kind and produce fertile offspring, but cannot breed with its ancestors.)

3. Evolutionists theorize the human brain evolved from lower forms of life. Over 50 years into the age of computers, machines can crunch numbers far better and faster than humans, recognize and use language and tools, and beat us in chess. Yet science has yet to build even a rudimentary computer that can contemplate its own existence, the hallmark of the human brain. (Contemplating your existence is best understood as imagining what will remain after your death.)

Ask anyone who espouses evolution if these three points aren’t true.

If evolution is unscientific, why teach it? Because no creator means no God. In other words, evolution without a possible alternative is atheism.

Atheism rests on an article of faith, i.e. something that cannot be proven but is nonetheless believed. Therefore atheism is a religion.

And it is illegal to teach religion in the public schools.

Tom Ritter
