US promises cooperation and collabration in acting against terrorists

The US, which witnessed the deadly 9/11 attacks seven years ago, is working through a package for India on dealing with the situation arising out of the "horrific" Mumbai strikes by way of information sharing, collaboration and cooperation, a top Pentagon official said. India will remain a strategic partner and emerge as an increasingly important regional actor even as China will continue to improve its military capabilities and its economic and political influence will continue to grow.

Many challenges across the broader sub-region remain, however, including the legacy of powerful historic disputes that have complicated India-Pakistan relations and dominated US security concerns in this sub region. Strengthening the bi-lateral military relationship with New Delhi is an important component of that evolution, as is the recently approved civilian nuclear cooperation agreement between the two governments. Mumbai is just the latest place where the innocent victims number in the hundreds. And it remains our foremost objective in the Asia-Pacific Region to deter and prevent those kinds of attacks.

Admiral Timothy Keating
Commander of the US Pacific Command
