Mamata urged the chief minister to honour the agreement at the earliest. The Durgapur Expressway was shut down near Singur for the second consecutive day on Tuesday due to rallies by political parties. The Calcutta High Court allowed the Leader of the Opposition in West Bengal Assembly and Trinamool Congress MLA Partha Chatterjee to take part in the legal proceedings on the petition filed by the Tata Motors calling for restraint on making its deal with the state government public.
Tata Motors had filed a petition challenging the move of the West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation (WBIDC) to publish the agreement with the Tatas. Tata Motors had alleged in its petition that the government as well as the WBIDC had violated the provisions of the RTI Act by already disclosing a portion of the deal to the public. Following this, the High Court had issued a stay order last Friday and directed the government and WBIDC not to publish the secret part of the pact within two weeks. The case will come for hearing next Friday.
The high-ranking officials of the state government maintained on Tuesday that the small car project will stay in Singur with work resuming in the long run. Tata Motors has also hailed the new initiative and stated that the company is hopeful that a congenial atmosphere will soon be created in Singur. According to sources at the Commerce and Industries Department, Tatas may resume work in the near future if there is no further deterioration in the law and order situation and if the section of unwilling farmers receive the compensation cheques.
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