Anil Ambani went to the Bombay High Court and in October 2007, while ruling in his favour, the court asked both sides to re-work the contentious clauses in the contract within four months keeping in mind that the family settlement was the base document.
Seek mother's advice, suggested the Bombay high court on Thursday to the Ambani brothers, who have been squabbling since 2005 over an agreement for supply of natural gas from the Krishna Godavari basin.
Mukesh could give the gas to Anil for free as long as he gave the government its share on the basis of the market price. Perhaps that’s where Anil Ambani’s friend Amar Singh’s new-found clout will come in handy?. It’ll be interesting to see what happens if Anil Ambani wins the Bombay High Court case.
They may have scripted the mother of all sibling rivalries, but Brothers Ambani are united for at least one cause: the development of Nathdwara temple town in Rajsamand district, about 45 km from Udaipur.
Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) and Anil Ambani's ADAG have both exerted pressure and got the railways' approval for conversion of the track leading to Nathdwara from the existing metre-gauge to broad gauge.
Anil Ambani’s Reliance Infrastructure, the infrastructure wing of Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Industries, Hindustan Construction Company with the Korean giant Samsung, Gammon India with a big infrastructure company from Spain, Tata Realty and Infrastructure Ltd., Indian Road Builders (in charge of maintaining the Mumbai-Pune Expressway), India Bulls and Mitas (the infrastructure wing of Satyam) all of these companies eye on the development of Mumbai.
J V Godwin
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