When you need to learn something new, a good way to understand it and remember it much better is to get a study buddy or a conversation partner, and try teach the other person what you are learning. This is a good way to signal your brain that what you are learning is important.
Learn how to create and use mind maps to organize your information. A mind map will show you at a glance how the different parts of what you are learning can fit together, and many people can learn better by using mind maps than by writing out notes the traditional way.
Make up little rhymes and songs to help you remember important information. It’s often a lot easier to remember facts that have been made into a song or a rhyme, such as “Thirty days hath September, April, June and November”.
Focus on doing one task at a time and concentrating on one topic at a time. When you try to do too many things at once, your mind will be distracted and it will be difficult to perform every task as well as you need to, and difficult to remember what you need to remember.
Sometimes you want to remember the name of a song that is playing or the name of an old acquaintance that passed by . It is right there, on the tip of your tongue, but you can't remember it. What would you normally do in such situation? Probably ask some nearby friend for the name, and upon the revelation you will even shout marvelled, "Oh yeah! That is it."
The next time this happens force yourself to remember that name. The brain can be stimulated just like your muscles and the more you exercise it the stronger it will get.
Do not limit yourself to remembering names. Are you calling your mother to get the phone number of your uncle? Forget pen and paper - you can memorize it. Try to look at the keyboard of your phone in order to create a mental picture of what the sequence of numbers looks like.
So what are the ways we learned to remember or increase our memory power: reading it loud, writing on a paper repeatedly, reading it loud in your mind, sounds like we joined the kids to learn things their way.
J V Godwin
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